As part of the Research Directorates commitment to quality improvement and developing staff, we have a programme of tailored training courses. Many of the courses are developed from our audit schedule but also include personal and career development options.


Research Connect Forum

Our “Research Connect Forum” is a schedule of monthly training sessions throughout the year, specifically developed to support staff in essential areas of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and local policy.

The Forum sessions are hybrid and face-to-face attendance is encouraged. Each April and September we release the schedule for the following six months, providing an opportunity for staff to meet up, upskill and discuss any challenges with experts in the field.

A calendar invite will be sent automatically to all staff in the Directorate – all you need to do is attend when a subject matter is pertinent to your role.

Schedule March – August 2024

DateSubject  Time  Venue
Monday 11th March 2024Medicines Policy14.30-15.30Freeman Training Room 4
Thursday 18th April 2024Documentation14.00-15.00CRF Seminar Room
Monday 20th  May 2024Deviations/Monitoring Reports. CAPA and safety reporting.14.00-15.00FH Lecture Theatre
Tuesday 18th June 2023Communication15.00-16.00CRF Seminar Room
Thursday 18th July 2024ISF Structure and Maintenance14.00-15.00Freeman Training Room 4
Monday 19th August 2024Consent14.00-15.00CRF Seminar Room
Chief Investigator Annual Update

Throughout January to April each year, the Directorate provides a tailored one-hour session, specifically for our Chief Investigators at Newcastle. These virtual sessions are to support our CIs with understanding the previous year’s audit findings and informing of any local and national changes.
The same session will be delivered each month to maximise outreach and it is recommended that CIs attend one of the sessions.

Laboratory Working Group

Our quarterly Laboratory working group is a collaboration between Newcastle Hospitals and Newcastle University. The forum provides a space to discuss all areas of research, the impact for laboratories and provides a network of support.

The group is now in it’s fourth year and has made significant progress with policy, process improvement, GCP updates and collaboration.

Annual Research Directorate Conference

As a Directorate we are privileged to host an annual conference in the Autumn. Delivered over three days (repeating a one-day format) gives the opportunity for all staff to attend and be involved.
After a successful first year in 2023, with a focus on dignity and respect, we continue to focus on what matters to colleagues in the Directorate and take this work forward collectively to address common challenges. Our working group work hard throughout the year to develop a memorable and engaging day to discuss matters that are important to us.
This year’s conference is already in development and details will be circulated as soon as possible.